Bitcoin Amount and Hashrate Alteration May Set the Scene for a Abeyant Rally, Actual Abstracts Shows


September's counter-seasonal amount trend has already started to appearance signs of this alteration trend allowance BTC.

The alteration amid Bitcoin's assortment amount and amount could arresting a abeyant assemblage in prices, according to actual data.

September's counter-seasonal amount trend has already started to appearance signs of this alteration trend arena out.

Publicly traded miners accept added their bazaar allotment post-halving by adopting their accretion ability and started accumulating bitcoin, potentially abbreviation bazaar accumulation and adopting a adventitious of upside to the price.

A alteration amid bitcoin (BTC) amount and its hashrate or network's absolute accretion ability could potentially point appear a assemblage in the amount of the better agenda asset.

Historically, these divergences accept occurred alone a few times in the accomplished three years. In some cases, bitcoin prices accept accomplished a bounded basal during these events, followed by a assemblage as the bazaar catches up with the ascent assortment rate. 

Bitcoin network's hashrates acceleration and abatement depending on how abounding miners accept their mining computers online to validate transactions.

Consistent with this pattern, bitcoin has already apparent signs of recovery, accepting about $9,000 back the bounded basal on Sept. 6, apery a 15% access in value. 

This alteration amid bitcoin's (BTC) amount and its assortment amount started to appearance up in July and again persisted into aboriginal September, back the accretion ability of the arrangement accomplished an best aerial of 693 exahashes per additional (EH/s) on a seven-day affective average, while bitcoin's amount was abreast $54,000.

A cogent agency accidental to the contempo billow in assortment amount is the action of about traded mining companies. Before the halving - area bitcoin rewards get cut in bisected - the assortment amount ailing at 650 EH/s and alone to 550 EH/s in June, as beneath able miners exited the arrangement due to college competition. It has now alternate to pre-halving levels as about traded miners that are well-capitalized, accept added their bazaar allotment by adopting their accretion power.

In fact, abstracts from the sixteen accessible companies appearance that they accept about accomplished a 23% bazaar allotment in production, the accomplished back at atomic January 2023, according to the industry account TheMinerMag. It is acceptable that about traded miners will abide to abduction a beyond allotment of the assortment amount over time as they attempt to break assisting post-halving.

Counter-seasonal trend

September has historically been dubbed a bearish ages for bitcoin, with actual abstracts from Coinglass advertence an boilerplate amount abatement of 4%. However, this year has defied that trend, with bitcoin announcement a 7% access so far. 

This counter-seasonal trend could be advertence that due to the lower bitcoin amount and ascent hashrate, the amount could be arena bolt up with the assortment rate, potentially ambience up for addition rally. Of course, there are added bazaar factors such as absorption amount decisions could additionally activate this amount change.

Additionally, the abutting adversity adjustment, appointed for Sept. 25 and projected to abatement by 5%, could additionally announce that prices may be communicable up. Blocks are currently actuality mined at an boilerplate of 10.5 minutes, according to This indicates a abeyant arrest in the assortment amount as amount plays bolt up.

Miners accumulating

Another agency that could arresting a abeyant acceleration in amount is what miners are accomplishing with their mined bitcoin.

Glassnode abstracts indicates that from November 2023 to August 2024, miners consistently awash bitcoin to armamentarium their operations due to the halving, appearance one of the longest periods of advertise burden on record.

However, in the accomplished 30 days, miners began accumulating bitcoin in their wallets, suggesting that the banking ache from the halving is abundantly over. If miners are distributing beneath bitcoin, this reduces the accumulation entering the market, accretion the adventitious of potentially allowance the price.