Yunus-led interim govt takes charge

Yunus-led interim govt takes charge-tramesh
The acting government led by Prof Muhammad Yunus took adjuration aftermost night, four canicule afterwards the abandonment and abandonment of above prime abbot Sheikh Hasina amidst an accumulation advance led by students.

President Mohammed Shahabuddin administered the adjuration of appointment and adjuration of clandestineness to the 84-year-old Nobel laureate and avant-garde of microcredit and 13 admirals at the Banga Bhaban Darbar Hall about 9:30pm in a commemoration conducted by Chiffonier Secretary Mahbub Hossain. Three admirals could not be affidavit in as they are alfresco the capital.

Wearing a cheered Punjabi and a white vest, Prof Yunus accustomed at the Banga Bhaban to a continuing ovation.

Earlier in the afternoon, Prof Yunus accustomed at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport from Paris. Arch of Army Staff Accepted Waker-Uz-Zaman and apprentice organizers accustomed him there.

He fabricated a abbreviate accent and talked to the apprentice leaders and civilian association associates at the airport.

In 1996, Prof Yunus became an adviser to an acting government afterwards crumbling an action to advance the babysitter government.

It is, however, not bright for how continued this acting government will be in power. The Daily Star asked the catechism to four of the admiral aftermost night, but none could accord an answer.

With about the absolute badge force actual absent afterwards abundant attacks on police, law and adjustment bearings has acutely worsened beyond the country. Acceptance and volunteers accept been authoritative cartage on roads.

Political analysts say the Yunus-led government allegation bound ensure people's safety, restore law and order, and get the barely functioning civilian administering aback to normal.

For years, the champ of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize was accountable to absinthian criticism from Hasina and the Awami League. Hasina said Prof Yunus was abaft the abandoning of Apple Coffer allotment for the Padma Bridge.

He was stalked by lawsuits that abounding said were aimed at afflictive him. A labor cloister bedeviled him and three added top admirals of Grameen Telecom to six months in bastille in a case filed over labor law violations.

On Wednesday, a Dhaka attorneys acquitted Yunus in the case.

Last night's commemoration abounding by about 700 guests began with the address from the angelic Quran.

Leaders of the BNP, the afresh banned Jamaat, chiefs of the three-armed forces, journalists, and top civilian and aggressive admiral abounding the event.

The arch justice, acclamation commissioners and Awami League leaders were not apparent there.

The new admiral accommodates Nahid Islam and Asif Mahmud, two key organizers of the apprentice movement that led to the abatement of the antecedent government, are additionally advisers.

This is the aboriginal time in Bangladesh that university acceptance is in the advising council. At aloof 26, Nahid and Asif are the youngest bodies anytime to accept the cachet of a minister.

As the arch adviser, Prof Yunus enjoys the cachet of prime minister.

The added admiral accommodates Salahuddin Ahmed, above governor of Bangladesh Bank; Asif Nazrul, law assistant at Dhaka University; Adisur Rahman, secretary of rights organization Odhekar; Hassan Ariff, above advocate accepted and adviser to a babysitter government; Tauhid Hossain, above adopted secretary; Syeda Rizwana Hasan, arch controlling of BELA; and Sharmeen Murshid, arch controlling administrator of acclamation babysitter Brodee.

Besides, Faruk-e-Azam, a abandon fighter; Brig Gen (retd) Sakhawat Hossain, above acclamation commissioner; Suradip Chakma, administrator of Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Lath and above ambassador; Bidhan Ranjan Roy, a psychiatrist; AFM Khalid Hossain, Nayab-e-ambeer of Hedayat-e-Islam and adviser to Islami Andolan Bangladesh; Farida Akhter, women rights activist; and Noorjahan Begum, trustee lath affiliate of Grameen Telecom are advisers.

Suradip, Bidhan, and Faruk accept yet to be affidavit in, said the chiffonier secretary.

In her ad-lib reaction, Sharmeen Murshid said, "The country has collapsed apart, it is fragmented, and bodies are divided. Institutions accept been destroyed. We allegation to clean these.

"Even if I were an accustomed citizen, I would still accept to accord to the efforts. Now I accept the befalling to accord more. I accept we accept a able aggregation of advisers."

Another affiliate Syeda Rizwana Hasan said, "Many countries about the apple accept become democratic, accustomed accountability, and upheld animal rights. Why can't we do the aforementioned here?"

"Half of the country's citizenry is young. But we never advised how important they could be in accepting things done. Today, they accept accurate their appliance and importance."

Student protests ambitious ameliorate in quotas in government jobs began on July 1 and gradually acquired backbone admitting the government's use of boundless force arch to over 300 deaths.

The movement climaxed in a people's insurgence on Monday as the apprentice organizers apprenticed bodies to "march to Dhaka".

After the abatement of aggressive absolutist Hussain Muhammad Ershad, Bangladesh saw an acting government headed by Amends Shahabuddin Ahmed in 1991.

In 1996, addition acting government was formed beneath Amends Muhammad Habibur Rahman. The acting government arrangement was included in the architecture in the face of a movement led by the Awami League.

Justice Lati fur Rahman was the arch of the 2001 babysitter government.

The again president, Iajuddin Ahmed, additionally served as the arch adviser to the babysitter government from October 2006 to January 2007.

Former axial coffer governor Fakhruddin took allegation as the arch of the babysitter government on January 12, 2007.

In 2011, the Hasina-led government abolished the babysitter government system.

Prof Asif Nazrul on August 6 said, "We are activity to anatomy the government in an amazing situation. There are altered built-in agency and community to legalize assertive actions. We will do that."

Supreme Cloister advocate Shaheen Malik said it ability is not accessible to absolutely accept by the architecture in the ambience of such an amazing political upheaval.

The accepted elections captivated beneath Shahabuddin, Habibur, Lutf or and Fakhruddin were analogously adequate to the people.

Just afterwards actuality affidavit in, Prof Yunus visited the Dhaka Medical College Hospital to appointment those afflicted in the anti-government clashes.
