The Pixel 9 is Google's adventitious to prove Tensor's problems are a affair of the past

pixel 9-tramesh

Look alive, folks. We're on the bluff of Google's biggest, best important accouterments barrage since, in my view, the Pixel 6. With four phones accessible at college prices than anytime before, complete with refined, exceptional designs that feel leagues advanced of antecedent efforts, this feels like Google's best focused attack to amplitude users abroad from Apple yet. And don't aloof booty my chat for it — Rick Osterloh himself told Stratechery aftermost anniversary that Pixel users appear from asleep Android OEMs and Apple, not, say, Samsung.

That said, this adventure will extend able-bodied accomplished Google's antecedent barrage window. The Tensor era has apparent its fair allotment of highs, but it's additionally apparent affluence of low credibility for Pixel. The aboriginal year of the Pixel 6 and 6 Pro acquainted like the ancient canicule of Android, a buggy, inconsistent blend that faced affluence of delayed or pulled updates. The Pixel 7 alternation — really, every Tensor G2-powered buzz — struggled with overheating and accidental array drain, while the Pixel 8 accepted aloof how inconsistent the Pixel acquaintance can be.

Google has a lot to prove back it comes to reliability, and the aboriginal six months (give or take) of the Pixel 9 will prove aloof how far its fourth-gen Tensor accouterments has appear — or how abundant it still needs to grow.