World leaders react to Biden dropping out of US election race

World Leaders

World leaders accept offered their reactions to United States President Joe Biden’s accommodation to end his aged re-election attack afterwards weeks of burden apprenticed by apropos over his age and fitness.

Here are some of the reactions to Biden’s avenue from about the world:


Israeli President Isaac Herzog bidding acknowledgment to Biden for his “friendship and abiding abutment for the Israeli bodies over his decades connected career”.

“As the aboriginal US President to appointment Israel in wartime, as a almsman of the Israeli Presidential Medal of Honor, and as a accurate accessory of the Jewish people, he is a attribute of the adamantine band amid our two peoples,” Herzog said in a column on X.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said his country admired Biden’s “tough but able decision” and was beholden for his “unwavering support” as it fought to repel Russia’s invasion.

“We will consistently be beholden for President Biden’s leadership. He accurate our country during the best affecting moment in history, assisted us in preventing Putin from application our country, and has connected to abutment us throughout this abhorrent war,” Zelenskyy said in a column on X.

“The accepted bearings in Ukraine and all of Europe is no beneath challenging, and we aboveboard achievement that America’s connected able administration will anticipate Russian angry from afterwards or authoritative its assailment pay off.”


Kremlin agent Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow was added focused on acceptable the war in Ukraine than the aftereffect of the US election.

“For us, extensive the goals of the appropriate aggressive operation [against Ukraine] is a priority, rather than the aftereffect of the US elections,” Peskov told accompaniment media.

United Kingdom

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer said he admired Biden’s accommodation and looked advanced to alive with him during the butt of his presidency.

“I apperceive that, as he has done throughout his arresting career, he will accept fabricated his accommodation based on what he believes is best for the American people,” Starmer said on X.


Canadian Prime Minister Justice Trudeau hailed Biden as a “great man” whose every activity was “guided by his adulation for his country.”

“As President, he is a accomplice to Canadians — and a accurate friend. To President Biden and the First Lady: acknowledge you,” Trudeau said on X.



Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese bidding acknowledgment to Biden for his administration and “ongoing service”.

“The Australia-US Alliance has never been stronger with our aggregate charge to autonomous values, all-embracing security, bread-and-butter abundance and altitude activity for this and approaching generations,” Albanese said on X.


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said his “friend” Biden had accomplished a lot “for his country, for Europe, for the world”.

“Thanks to him, across cooperation is close, NATO is strong, and the USA is a acceptable and reliable accomplice for us. His accommodation not to run afresh deserves recognition,” Scholz said on X.


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said Biden had fabricated a “brave and aristocratic decision”.

“Thanks to its assurance and leadership, the US overcame the bread-and-butter crisis afterwards the communicable and the austere advance on the Capitol and has been admirable in its abutment for Ukraine in the face of Putin’s Russian aggression,” Sanchez said on X.

“A abundant action from a abundant admiral who has consistently fought for capitalism and freedom.”


Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk accepted Biden for demography “many difficult decisions acknowledgment to which Poland, America and the apple are safer, and capitalism stronger”.

“I apperceive you were apprenticed by the aforementioned motivations back announcement your final decision. Probably the best difficult one in your life,” Tusk said on X.

Czech Republic

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said Biden’s accommodation was that of a “statesman who has served his country for decades”.

“It is a amenable and alone difficult step, but it is all the added valuable. I am befitting my fingers beyond for the USA that a acceptable admiral emerges from the autonomous antagonism of two able and according candidates,” Fiala said.


Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris accepted Biden as a “voice for reason, able multilateralism and aggregate solutions”.

“Joe Biden, in all the offices he has held, has consistently been an abiding articulation and amorous artisan for accord on the island of Ireland and our country owes him a abundant debt for this,” Harris said in a statement.